Mr Biscuit Guarding The Ball Lol… watch Mr Biscuit guarding his ball Biscuit is the cutest dog ever and it brightens my day seeing him! Taylor WatkinsMay 9, 2017 He is such a cutie and,is very good, at making people smile but he has to work on not chewing up the new furniture but he is,sweet love it Mary GorjupJanuary 15, 2018 Awesome dog and great positive posts, keep posting daily thanks!! Christian BradleyJanuary 13, 2018 I absolutely love watching Mr. Biscuit's videos !!!! So amazing and all the tricks he can do .....WOW !!!!!! Stacy WilliamsDecember 29, 2017 Mr Biscuit is a very handsome boy. He does amazing things. I smile every time I see him. Wish I could meet him Theresa GrossJanuary 15, 2018 I love Mr. Biscuit. He is one smart & handsome fella. He' is such a cutie pie. Betty Conley ZimmerFebruary 7, 2018 Related posts:Dog Tricks - Mr Biscuit's Comando TrickDog Tricks - Fun Ball Tricks With Mr BiscuitMr Biscuit & Miss Sissy - 8 Weeks OldWatch Oreo The Border Collie Learning To SwimTeaching Border Collies To HerdMeet Mr BiscuitMr Biscuit 8 Weeks Old Posted by Mr Biscuit Biscuit Sissy & Oreo, Mr Biscuit Border Collies, Puppies 0 Comment