Seeing Mr. Biscuit everyday in Facebook makes my day! I love you Mr. Biscuit! �
Theresa Anne January 14, 2018
So cute!!!!! I just love him! Good job on the book Kyle!!!!
Jonie Dale August 29, 2017
What a wonderful dog and so clever. Love his eyes.
Heather Hey May 11, 2017
Mr Biscut always makes me smile and warms my and your dad have a special bond. Love and trust!! Looking forward to your many new adventures!! �
Janet Hardy Clark January 16, 2018
Mr. Biscuit always brings a smile to my face and makes me forget about all of the bad things that are happening in the world. Keep on, keeping on!!
Barbara Merritt January 14, 2018
Mr. Biscuit made me smile so wide. He is wonderful!